<string id="httpd_error" value="HTTP serveri ei kΣynnisty. Se on voitu kieltΣΣ palomuuriohjelmalla. MediaCoderin HTTP daemon kuuntelee vain paikallista konettasi. Jos et saa sitΣ kΣyntiin, MediaCoder toimii silti mutta kaikkia ulkomuotoja ei voi nΣyttΣΣ."/>
<string id="progress_npass" value="%4.1f%% tehty (pass %d of %d)"/>
<string id="browser_notice" value="Many of MediaCoder's user interfaces are XML/XSLT based, which depends on Firefox to render. Firefox is a free, open source, cross-platform, graphical web browser. If you have Firefox but MediaCoder failed to detect it, you can manually specify the path to it. If you don't have it, click the button on the bottom-right to download it."/>
<string id="invalid_browser_path" value="Without Firefox available, MediaCoder's XML/XSLT based user interfaces won't be able to show. Do you want to download Firefox now?"/>